Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Gift Series - The Shoes (Thank You #1)

Author’s Note:
I was recently asked, “Who was 1 person that profoundly impacted your life?”
Choosing 1 person proved to be difficult.  I have interacted with a lot of people through out the years. Some have stayed close, some faded away, others affected me and I never knew their name.
This week is dedicated to thanking 4 people who showed me how to live, how to respect, and why honest living is vital.
I am turning 38 this week and this is my gift to 4 people, who deserve so much more than my words.

The Shoes


Your shoes were always perfectly polished.
Leather gleaming.
 No matter brown or black….they always shined.

I do not remember ever seeing your bare feet.
Your shoes were always on
and never failed to look brand new
When we would meet.

Those shoes are not my favorite memory of you,
Only a constant, familiar piece of the puzzle from my youth.
A piece that made you……You.

Pressed pants and classic shirts.
Always put together,
whether a
Holiday, lunch, or a weekday visit.
A sight of pure confidence.

Maybe this was the military background…..
Maybe it was from your youth.
My certainty was
 I loved you.

As a young girl.....
until just over a year ago....
I would hear stories
Of corn fields....of Naval Ships…of your childhood in Iowa.


Sitting next to you,
Not always wise enough to learn.
You would share of times that you endured.

Memories of life on a farm
With no paved roads…..hiking to school,
Through the rain, sleet and snow.

Eventually I learned you lived only a block away,
But I never cared because this was just your way.

I wondered what shoes you wore back then.
I should have inquired at that time.
To learn more about the man,
Who loved me without end.

They say a man’s shoes are a reflection of him.
I always saw 
Perfection……love…..a boundless devotion.

You possessed a shine
That never dulled with time.

During our final visit,
You knew that your time was near.
I could tell by your words
And your effort to make clear,
That you were proud of me.

Of who I had become.

I know one day my eyes will witness
That shine again.

Please don't worry when l hold on tight.
I have just missed you......

 A true gift in my life.


Today's post is dedicated to a true constant in my life. He was my North Star……Always present. Always strong. Always forgiving. I said goodbye to him over a year ago, February 22, 2013. Today my Granddaddy would have been 82. Happy Birthday, Granddaddy.